This blog follows traditional one-year lectionaries.

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Easter III- John 16: 16-22

The traditional Gospel for the Third Sunday after is from St. John 16:16-22. These verses are from our Lord's Farewell Discourses to the Twelve on Maundy Thursday,  As on many occasions, the disciples were slow to grasp Jesus' teaching about His death and resurrection. He compares the situation to motherhood. The labor pains are all too real, but the result is joyful. Jesus warns the disciples of the real pain and sorrow of death and separation, but He also predicts the joy of His renewed presence. Our Lord concludes in John 16:22, "And ye now, therefore, have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you" (KJV).

The Easter season focuses on how the disciples come to appreciate Christ's whole ministry, especially His rejection, passion, and death, in light of His resurrection. His sufferings and their separation from Him do bring them great sorrow, but His resurrection brings them profound joy. And this joy is so powerful that it transforms them.  They learn to follow Him in new and deeper ways. Experiencing the joy of His resurrection presence with them, they are empowered to serve Him through all the sorrows and joys of this world. 

The Gospel words about sorrow and joy still apply to believers. We still have earthly sorrows and joys. But there is a great joy which transcends passing circumstances- there is the joy of knowing the presence of the risen Christ with us. Through His Word and  His sacraments, we sense His presence in this life, and we anticipate His presence with us eternally. Alleluia! Christ is risen! 

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