This blog follows traditional one-year lectionaries.

Friday, July 01, 2022

Trinity III- Luke 15: 1-10

The Gospel for the Third Sunday after Trinity is Luke 15:1-10, and it contains two brief parables- about the lost sheep and about the lost coin. The context makes it clear that our Lord is talking about sinners lost to God. Some extreme approaches to this theme have left a bad aftertaste, and nowadays, even sincere Christians may hesitate to speak of people lost in sin. 

Yet, Scripture in general, and our Lord Jesus Christ, in particular, are not hesitant to speak of lost people and the condition of being lost. Indeed, according to Holy Scripture, all human beings have been lost, and apart from divine grace, all remain lost. As the daily general confession in the Book of Common Prayer says, "we have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep" (based on Isaiah 53:6 and 1 Peter 2:25). So at some moments in time, all human beings are lost, and all need to be found by Christ and His Church.

Seeking the lost has two important applications in our lives. First, each of us as Christians should acknowledge that in differing ways and at different times, we have all been lost and that we have tendencies to get lost repeatedly. So we all depend upon divine mercy, grace, and persistence in seeking us out-- in the past, in the present, and in each new day. 

God seeks us in many ways such as through subtle promptings of the Holy Spirit, conscience, life events, general reading, and encounters with other people, but chiefly He seeks us through Word and Sacrament. Thus, we should be aware that God is always seeking us, and we need to be open to being found by Him.

Secondly, in addition to being sought by God, as members of the Body of Christ, we Christians are called to participate in the Lord's work of seeking and finding the lost. We are not to approach this calling with the wrong attitude. We are not to pretend to be some perfect paragons of virtue. Rather, we are to be humble. As sinners ourselves, we have benefited from the mercy and grace of God. We rejoice in divine mercy and grace, and we want to share that good news with others. We want each lost person to be found and to know the joy of returning to God. 

So let us be open to God’s work in our lives and to our participation in Christ’s work in the world. May each of us be found by God, and may each of us do our small part to help others be found by God!

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