The giving of thanks to Almighty God is a deep and perennial aspect of the Judeo-Christian heritage. Thanksgiving is a recurring theme and practice in the Old and New Testaments, and various autumnal thanksgivings developed in Christianized Europe. In the Anglo-American colonies, there were early services of thanksgiving at Berkeley Hundred in Virginia in 1619 and at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621. Over the year various observances arose, but the core religious element was emphasized in American Books of Common Prayer,
In the Epistle for the day, James 1:17 reminds us that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights..." Since God is the giver of every good gift, a thankful response is always appropriate for believers.
In the Gospel from Matthew 6:25 ff, Jesus exhorts us not to be anxious about basic material needs. In general, divine providence watches over and supplies the natural needs of even the birds and the flowers. Certainly, His care for human beings, especially those seeking His kingdom, is even greater, So believers should not be overwhelmed by anxiety; we should trust in God and gratefully seek His will.
With such a Scriptural background in mind, we can sincerely pray-
O most merciful Father, who hast blessed the labours of the husbandman in the returns of the fruits of the earth; We give thee humble and hearty thanks for this thy bounty; beseeching thee to continue thy loving-kindness to us, that our land may still yield her increase, to thy glory and our comfort; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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