This blog follows traditional one-year lectionaries.

Friday, March 24, 2023

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary- 25 March- Luke 1

Since the early centuries of the Church, some Christians have observed the Annunciation of Christ's Incarnation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, usually on March 25.  On this feast, we think of many things: the redemptive purpose of God the Father, the splendor of the messenger Gabriel, the humility, obedience, and faith of the Virgin Mary, and the mystery of our Lord's Incarnation. Since this feast usually falls during Lent, we also see the strong connection of these wondrous aspects of the story with the Passion, Cross, and Resurrection of the One whose Birth is announced.

The Collect of the Day admirably summarizes the relationship between the Annunciation and the other events of redemption that we contemplate during Lent:

We beseech thee, O Lord, pour thy grace into our hearts; that, as we have known the incarnation of thy Son Jesus Christ by the message of an angel, so by his cross and passion we may be brought into the glory of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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