This blog follows traditional one-year lectionaries.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Easter Even- I Peter 31:17-22; Matthew 27: 57-66

 Traditional Books of Common Prayer call this Saturday "Easter Even", while modern calendars  may use the title "Holy Saturday." Following the ancient Church, traditional Anglicans keep the day very low-key. For centuries most churches have not celebrated the Lord's Supper during this day. The Easter Vigil Eucharist is a relatively recent attempt to renew an ancient practice, but it is technically a celebration of  Easter Day, and in ancient times, the consecration took place after midnight. 

Personally, I prefer the more traditional Prayer Book practice of simply reading Morning and Evening Prayer. If a parish wants to add something more, one can use the propers for Ante-Communion or the Liturgy of the Word. The collect for the day has the main themes of Christ's death and resurrection related to Christian Baptism. 

The Epistle from First Peter 3: 17-22 has two main themes: 1) the importance of Christ's death for our salvation, and 2) the relationship between Christ's death and Christian Baptism. The Gospel from Matthew 27: 57-66 is the account of Jesus' burial in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea and the authorities sending guards to watch.

These readings drive home the reality of Christ's death and anticipate His resurrection. They also remind us that Christian Baptism unites us to both His death and His resurrection. We die to sin and rise to new life in Christ. This dying and rising takes place at our Baptisms and throughout the life of faith. Such themes make this a good day for quiet reflection. We can give thanks for Christ's redemptive work quietly as we look forward to the joy of new life with and through Him.

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