This blog follows traditional one-year lectionaries.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Advent I- Matthew 21:1-13

On the Western Christian calendar, the First Sunday in Advent begins a new church year and the season of preparation for Christmas. When Christmas entered the Latin calendar during the fourth century, Advent, which comes from the Latin word "coming," became a time to emphasize the theme of Christ's coming into the world.

We see this theme of Christ's Coming in the Gospel selection from Matthew 21:1-13. At this time of the year, the account is not so much about the historical details of Christ in Jerusalem as it is a reminder of the varied ways that Jesus Christ comes into human lives. Christ the Messianic King has already come into the world long ago, He keeps coming to us through the work of the Holy Spirit in Word, Sacrament, and prayer, and Christ will come again to conclude earthly history on the last day. 

As Matthew 21 shows, Jesus comes humbly and peaceably as our rightful ruler who does not have to prove Himself. Yet, even when He comes in this simple peaceful way, He is so holy that He automatically brings rebuke and judgment upon human corruption, a corruption that even perverted the purposes of the Jerusalem Temple and still corrupts the Church in this world. So as we begin our Advent preparations for the great Christmas festival, let us also begin to examine our souls. Only through spiritual self-examination, repentance, and renewal in faith and devotion can we truly develop an appreciation for the good news that Christ's Coming brings.

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